
Sunday 3 March 2013

Types/modes of education:

    A well-known thinker of 20th century said that “education is a process of living.” because a someone learn from different experiences. he/she learn about good or bad situation .they know how to survive from complex situation. how to live and learn its all about education.
    Education is not only something that we learnt from school/colleges/ is the way of life. we learnt from inside or outside school. we learn from society is also education.
.    A child learn because somebody teach him. sometime he learn because he has seen or heard new things and sometimes because he fined to do something by himself. A child learn habit , attitude during his early-hood period in his family environment. Different types of skill are also acquired with the help of other. Thus the people around him effect on him .the community around educate him. We can say that education is life-long process from birth to death(ending  of life).It continuous from gradle to grave.
     Different modes/types of education through people learn. most of us think that education is only that process that we learnt from schools..we don’t know the actuall meaning of education.
     here we discuss three modes of education

    Formal education:

 Formal education are those that we get from educational system from school to university level in addition general academic studies,a variety of specialized programmes.
Salient features:
1) Limited time period
2) It is provided according to certain set rules and regulations .
3) Well palnned and guided instruction
4) Under supervision of Qualified teachers and mentor
5) Observe strict discipline

     Informal education:

 It is lifelong process where by every indivisual acquires attitude, values, skill and knowledge and put great impact of environment ,family etc. through informal education girls learn cooking and other household activities by helping and observing her mother. she know how to cook food, what ingredient is enough for specified dish. Son learn from his father he know how to drive a car ,he know his father occupation.
 Indivisual is not conscience of learning. child learn many things from society which he is unaware.

Salient features:

1)  Incidental
2)   not pre-planned
3)   not imparted by any specialized agency
4)   not prescribed time-table

     Non-formal Education:

 Non-formal education as an organized educational activity outside the formal education system. Its main purpose is to overcome ill-literacy in the country .They educate different age-group membrs boy to old members .they know how to read and write ,through this there is easy and goal oriented. they up-to date to their society, country etc. read newspaper ,write letter this way we can say that they are not helpless.
I hope this article enhance knowledge regarding modes of education
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Thursday 28 February 2013


(a tool for change the mind)

Education is a tool that is used to change the mind .its mean you used the mind in different way that way is the brightest ,the way is ray of hope ,the way is humanity.
            In islam the verse of quran  is
                 ”can the literate and ill-literate are equal”.

   No doubt the ill-literate and literate is not equal. only that tool differentiate human from animals. now the world enter 21s century. and that century is to    becaome a global village. Different types of technology hyped today. the literate is to be benefited. they knew how to use these technology. what merits and demerits have.

Most people want to know how the word education formed. people curious about that word so we want to add education definition from one of my  . book thatis…
  The word education has been derived from Latin words “Eucare” or  ”Educere”.Educare means   ”to train, to bring up and to Nourish”.  Eucere means to ” .  lead out”. education is something external to be imposed or to put in from outside.
Various scholar and thinker used meaning of education in different way.

a) John dewey:

“The process of living through continuous reconstruction of is the development of all those capacities. In the indivisual which will enable him to control  his environment and fulfill his possibilities”.

b) Ross

The influence of a person who holds a vital belief brough to bear on another person with the object of making him also sold that belief


Organized and sustained instruction designed to communicate a contribution of knowledge and skills and understanding variable for all the activities of life.
Importance of education:

1)   character formation:

  The most important and necessary thing is character. this is the mirror of our personality. and it lead to develop good and responsible citizen.

2) Balanced personality:

Physical, intellectual, social and spiritual aspect are necessary for one’s personality. Education is a plan that developed to a complete human being.

3) Preservation of culture and civilization:

The word culture is the ways of social behavior, ideas, religions, code of morality ,faith etc which is acceptable in a particular society. when we use the word civilization its means broader culture which includes the whole of mankind. today we are really proud of what mankind has achieved in the field of civilization. hence we want to preserve it.